Friday, May 30, 2014 Vannes Fr

The B20140530_165145 Tour du Montparnasse 300 & B owner’s dad, Paul, took us to the train station in Trois Ponts where we boarded towards Liège Belgium. This  historical city on the river Meuse is the birthplace of the Emperor Charlemagne. Once we arrived, we recognized having been at this depot before. Since we had not made reservations for the Thalys express train to Paris, there was only room in first class, for an additional fee.

We boarded and sat in roomy, plush, plum and burgundy upholstered seats. The steward passed out cleansing cloths and served us coffee and choice of snack. We both choose macaroons. We felt first-rate.

In Paris we took the metro from the north train station to the Montparnasse one. On the train was a woman with sores all over her face, which she kept picking and then holding onto the handrail. We both washed our hands after leaving the train. Waiting for the train, we walked around the area. We declined going up to the observation deck of the Tour du Montparnasse. There is even a restaurant on the 54th floor of the tower.

20140530_173310 Dennis in Paris 300We sat and enjoyed a beer in a café as we people-watched. Thinking that we would be served dinner on the train, we opted not to snack. As it turned out, the dinning compartment was not open and there was nothing to eat or drink on the three-hour train ride to Vannes.

We arrived at dusk, around 10 PM. Dennis found our way to the hotel, and then had a sandwich in a doner-kabob. With the rich eating we’ve done in the past month, perhaps we should have skipped this late meal, but we didn’t. Tomorrow we will explore the city and then meet up with friends we met on the Camino, Daniel and Marie-Noëlle.

Thursday, May 29, 2014 La Gleize BE

20140527_125315 Coo train station 300On Tuesday, as we approached the train depot in Coo, Belgium, I told Dennis we would be lucky to have a cow greet us. We did not. There was nothing there but a shelter for those waiting for the train.

At the bottom of the hill we were surprised to find a resort for hiking, biking, canoeing, and kyacking. There even was an amusement park. Of course, it is off-season and nothing except a restaurant was open. The server told us that the closest ATM was in Trois Ponts, three kilometers back. Since we needed cash, we put on our packs and headed for town.

20140529_151417 B and B Les TcheousTrois Ponts would have been the better train stop for us to take. It is a more developed and there are buses that leave the center for La Gleize. We caught the 42A, which dropped us seven kilometers later in La Gleize. From there is was a short 15-minute uphill climb to B & B Tchéous.

Our hosts Christine and Frankie told us that a painter built the house in 1935 and used the attic for his workshop. During WWII the house was under fire and bullet holes are still visible in the building’s wood and stones. When they purchased the house it was in disrepair. The owner’s bathroom had carpeted ceiling, floor, and tiles to keep the air out. The elderly owner said, “Who needs towels, just use the flooring.”

20140528_225548 Mini Les Tcheous dogFrankie is a renowned cyclist and local history buff, so he and Dennis had a lot to chat about. I fell in love with their six-month jachd, a German hunting terrier. She is nearly full grown and very friendly. Since she was the runt of the litter, they called her “Mini.”

Wednesday morning, we visited the museum where Dennis’s father’s helmet is on display. Unfortunately the curator was not there and Dennis was unable to do more research. I know he was disappointed.

Afterwards, we walked to Stoumont, a neighoring town, to build our legs up for The Ridgeway Path in England and to see the area. As we walked, we tried to imagine what fighting in the Ardennes Forest was like in December 1944. The Dennis’s father suffered permanent lung damage here.

20140528_130723 chateau pfeifer stayed 300On the way, we spotted the chateau that Obersturmbannführer Joachim Peiper commandered for several days. Luckily, his whereabouts were not known at the time and the building was not destroyed in an attempt to capture the officer.

Stoumont, is a small village with a handsome central church. At the visitor center, we learned of other WWII sites to visit within walking distance. Returning to La Gleize, the panorama was welcoming. This is a beautiful area.

20140528_144659 La Gleize panorama 300Today is a holiday in the Europe Union: Ascension Thursday. There are many bicyclist and hikers enjoying the area. For some reason, perhaps the hilly terrain, there seems to be more male than female bikers.

20140529_144711 bicylistsAround La Gleize there are many various biking routes…something for everyone and every skill: road, racing, or mountain biking. We saw groups of 50 or more. Dennis was almost salivating with desire to join them.

20140529_131834 Cheneaux monument to the liberatorsWe walked to another neighboring town Cheneux to visit a bridge and house that were important in WWII. Two women ran from the gunfire and took shelter in the farmhouse, which was then bombed, killing both of them. In town, there is a monument to “In homage to the brave men of the 504th parachute infantry regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division, who took back the village on 21 December 1944-at a high cost of lives following bloody combat.” Someone continues to plant flowers in remembrance.

Once again, coming into La Gleize was beautiful. This is the view from the road to Stoumont.20140529_142330 La Gleize panorama from Cheneux

Sunday, May 25, 2014 Luxembourg

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe took the train to Saarbrücken and then the bus to Luxembourg. Seating was tight and Dennis was cramped, his knees stuck into the seat in front of him. We crossed the Moselle River about noon and then made our way into the capitol.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs the bus went through towns, I wondered what the folks were doing in their homes. Were they preparing Sunday dinner, reading the Sunday paper, and lazing about? Or were they busy with chores they could not get to during the week? I have a feeling most Europeans relax on Sunday, the towns were not a bustle of activity. Would I relax on Sunday as they did if I were to live in Europe? Probably not, unless I changed my ways—I have forgotten the lessons learned on the Camino. For this reason, I plan to retire after finishing this last series of books and enjoy my leisure time with Dennis.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe had no reservations, but were able to find a room in the hotel we stayed in last year. Hotel Bella Napoli. It is reputedly the best Italian restaurant in town with a few rooms above it that have no TV, phone, or WiFi. Without reservations, we were lucky to get that. Since the restaurant has Internet, we have to stand on the landing or sit in the café to get access.

After settling in, we took the local bus 15 to Hamm, the end of the line, and then walked to the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial where Dennis’s cousin Erving’s body is buried (Section H, Row 9, #15) along with 5, 075 other dead soldiers, including a female army nurse. Each grave has a cross or Star of David with an American and Luxembourg flag. Between the flag, lays a fresh rose bud, placed by the local people of Luxembourg.

General Patten, commander of the Third US Army, is buried between the flagpoles in from of the memorial and overlooking the grave area. His grave is has 3 dozen roses.

There are also two memorial Tablets of the Missing, listing the names of 371 whose remains were never recovered or are buried at the cemetery, unidentified.

Saturday, May 24, 2014 Sembach Germany

20140524_145550 Sembach signHenri drove us to the train station in Offenburg, Germany. From there we took the train to Kaiserslaurten. Fortunately, we had made reservations because the hotel was full. There are many conventions this time of year and without reservations, we would have been SOL.

We took the local bus to Sembach and walked about a mile or so to the base, where guards turned us back. Dennis was disappointed, but not surprised. The AF base is now an army base.

20140524_152400 Dennis on road to Sembach US Installation in SembachSince we had a four-hour wait for the return bus,we walked around this very small town for a couple of hours. Nothing was open. I sat in the sunshine, bundled in my raincoat and Dennis’s over my legs. Fortunately, I had my Kindle and could read; Dennis had nothing. We made it back to Kaiserlaurten around 7:15.

Friday, May 23, 2014 Kertzfeld, FR

20140523_110821 Ebersmunster Abbey 300Lydie went out early to the bakers and returned with two baguettes: one white, the other dark. She also purchased a sweet bread typical of the area, Hugel Loaf. In good company, we breakfasted on tea, bread, local creamy butter, and Lydie’s homemade preserves.

While Lydie prepared a traditional sauerkraut meal (oven-baked pork shoulder and sauerkraut, separately boiled potatoes and sausage, served with white wine and mustard), Henri took us to the Ebersmunster Abbey. The two exterior towers flanking the entrance are square at the bottom and then flare out like onion bulbs. At first glance, it reminded me of minarets, but Henri said there was no Muslim influence.

20140523_111711  Inteieure de L Eglise AbbatialeWalking into the L’Eglise Abbatiale, I gasped at the beauty of the combined stone, wood, and stucco. This abbey church is the only example in France of the Austrian baroque art, an artistic movement marked by rich ornamentation. Rose-colored stone floors, alabaster walls, and doors and windows painted in light-blue trimming create a light and welcoming atmosphere. Over the main rose marble altar is a canopy choir and above that a crown of gold surrounding a fresco of the Apocalypse Lamb and the Holy Trinity. Light-blue columns separated the main altar from the two side ones. Other ceiling frescoes (including the assumption of Mary and the martyrdom of St. Maurice) painted in the subtle gold, blue, rose, and white hues draw the eyes upward and add to the overall richness of the church’s ornamentation.

20140523_111726 Silberman OrganThe Silberman Organ installed in 1732 maintains its original condition.

Leaving the abbey, we rode along the Rhine and saw a ferry that takes cars and passengers to Germany and back for free. Henri then showed us the tea house and gardens where he buys his teas.

After lunch the four of us went to Mont Ste Odile, a peak in the Vosques Mountains. We parked below the abbey and walked up about a mile (2 km). Lydie told us that this was a sacred Celtic place and that she is sensitive to the meridians of energy on the mountain. There was a legends exhibit along the path, and statues and ornament made the walk interesting.

20140523_162727 Henri and Lydie on walkFrom the top, we could see the Alsace valley with the Black Forest in the distance. On the other side are the Vosques Mountains. In the convent’s chapel, volunteers pray twenty-four-seven for world peace. Lydie is scheduled to participate in this vigil in January.

Ste. Odile was the blind daughter of a 7th century king, who disowned her. In the Chapel of Tears (one of two chapels on the terrace), it is said that her tears created a crevice in the mountaintop, seeping down the mountain and mixing with the waters, where many blind people have supposedly received sight from the curative waters. In the Chapel of Angels, a mosaic displaces Mont St. Michel and Mont Ste. Odile and the WWII liberation.

According to Wikipedia, between August 2000 and May 2002 more than 1,000 ancient books went missing from the monastery library. A book collector stole the books after finding an old map showing a secret entrance into the library. The route was not easy, however, involving climbing up exterior walls, a steep staircase and a secret chamber. A mechanism then opened the back of one of five cupboards. The disappearance of so many books over such a length of time confused the librarian, the monks and the police, with Gosse finally being caught by closed-circuit television cameras.

20140523_164719 panamora from Mont Ste OdileMont Ste. Odile is part of the Camino in France. From here, Santiago is 1423 miles (2291 km) away.

On our way back, we visited Obernai, the second most visited city in Alsace, after Strasbourg. We are grateful to our hosts, Henri and Lydie, for showing us this area. Without them, we would not have seen any of these sites.

Thursday, May 22, 2014 Strasbourg, FR

20140522_073111 Jane waiting for train in CopenhagenThe birds and dawn woke me at 04:00. I rolled over and dozed until the alarm sounded two hours later. We arrived at the train station, activated our Senior Global Rail Pass (now good for 10 trips in 20 days), bought snacks for the 12-hour ride with the last of the krone, and then boarded our train.

To cross into Germany, the train with 6 cars boarded a ferry for the 45 minute ride across. All passengers were required to leave the train, which was then locked. On the ferry, there were shops, restaurants, and lounge chairs. I felt as if I were on board the NCL Star, once again. In the gift shop, I bought our hosts a box of Anthon Berg Danish chocolates. This was suggested to me as a nice gift to buy as a souvenir from Denmark.

20140522_095148 Dennis on ferryDennis is using his German. He can read some of the signs and understands a few words. It’s strange for me to rely on him to get around, but we will be in France today and I will again be the guide.

Once in Germany, we rode by beaches, sails boats, and golden rapeseed and dark green alfalfa, timothy and rye fields. Windmills lined up along the coast, their large blades spinning. The architecture consisted of A-frame style brick houses with dark slate or red-tiled roofs. This area of Germany is very flat, great for farming.

This part of the train ride is commuter, and we stopped at many small-town train stations. The more modern towns feature three-story brick buildings. Some train stations are older and not imposing like in the larger cities.

We had 8 minutes to OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAtransfer in Hamburg, a large port city from where Dennis’s father shipped home following the war. We got on the train and found someone sitting in our seats, having confused which car she was in. As we found out in our first train ride in 2011, the seats are numbered and most often reserved. Only the local trains have free-seating.

After Hamburg, the terrain became more rolling and we started to go through tunnels. We crossed several narrow rivers, one with kayaks. The fields changed to forests. As we gained altitude, my ears popped. In the valleys I could see small towns with their church steeples.

The express trains have stewards who pass out candy, coffee, and sell ice cream. There are dining cars, but we bought sandwiches at the 7-11 at the station in Copenhagen, wanting to use up our Danish currency. By the time we reach Strasbourg, we will had travelled for more than eleven hours.

20140522_191802 Strasbourg plazaOur Camino friends Henri and Lydie greeted us at the depot. They escorted us around Strasbourg, Henri’s home town. We visited the cathedral, Little Paris, and other plazas in the city. We had traditional regional pizza with its flaky cracker-like crust, sweet onions, and cheese. We tried a soft white cheese, a goat cheese, and a blue cheese pizza–all yummy with red wine.

Afterwards we went to their beautifully decorated home in Kertzfeld, about 25 Km north of Strasbourg. The garden in the back has a pool and the frogs serenaded us with at least three different songs: the ribbit-ribbit, the deep-throated grump-garump, and the comical he-he-he-he-he, which made me laugh. Henri has red fish and one black one which swim to the surface when he feeds them. When the black one matures, it turns red.

The terrain in this area of France reminds me of New England with is soil and foliage. The towns however show the Bavarian influence with the Tudor-style buildings, town and street names, and local cuisine.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Copenhagen

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATivoli’s grassy lawns entice people to settle down with a picnic lunch or just to enjoy the outdoors. Lounge chairs are available and people relaxed in the sunshine. Lots of children, dogs, and elderly on the green.

Compare these prices with your last visit to the café: The Big Cheeseburger 145 DKK ($30.00); French Fries 30 DKK (6.00) and Cowboy Rib-eye 240 DKK ($48.00). Imagine take out a family. Fortunately for the Danes, this is not abnormally out of range, based on their earnings, but it is out of range for most tourists.

IMG_20140520_122934 The Peacock Theatre Tivoli 300Teens ran from ride to ride, daring each other. This brings back memories of my childhood excursions to amusement parks. As we passed the bumper cars, I tell Dennis about my first time on this attraction. It was at Old Orchard Beach, Me. I was with my sister and my cousin, Joan (pronounced Joann). She was so proud at driving around without bumping into anyone. To this day, I don’t think she has every been in an accident where she was at fault. I, on the other hand….

At the Bier Garten, we talked with a woman dressed in traditional Bavarian garb. She is a student working on her masters. As a student she receives a stipend, which covers rent and food. She works for the extras. Imagine students in the US getting paid to study. Having a highly educated populace most likely is a contributor to Denmark’s high standard of living.

IMG_20140520_155957 Copenhagen canel 300We left the gardens and headed to the boat tour of the canals. We passed the Danish Architecture Center and then got off at Nyhavn to walk along the promenade, listen to the buskers, and enjoy a Carlsberg brown beer. Afterward jumping on the next boat, we visited the Experimentarium (science museum), the Trekroner Fortress which protected the harbor, passed the harbor stones called the Little Mermaid. We were going to stop at the alternative living quadrant, Chrisianshavn, but there were no later boats. In this section, people pay no rent and various types of marijuana are available in smoke shops. Though we did not get a chance to visit it, out hosts at the B&B said it was in interesting place to visit. Maybe next time.

IMG_20140520_210950 Dennis and Jane at Krogers HaveFrom the tour boat landing, we walked around town looking for a traditional Danish Restaurant. Our roaming ended up being about six miles.

As I sat enjoying the last of perfect day, I felt so grateful and fortunate to have Dennis, good health, and the means to travel and experience the world.

Monday, May 19, 2014 Copenhagen DK

20140519_113533 our room in Pea BlossomThe ship let us off about six miles from the hotel. Since there were no ATMs (this happened at the dock in Barcelona as well, so I should have known better) we were unable to use the city bus. We managed to find a map in a gift shop (not in the terminal, which would have been logical). Based on the shop owner’s advice we decided to take a cab, which cost us $70 dollars. Good thing the taxi took credit cards. The driver was Persian, but immigrated to Denmark 30 years ago. He is a building engineer between contracts and working as a cab driver for something to do.

20140519_113620 Westend view from Pea Blossom window 300The Pea Blossom B&B is conveniently located. According to the cabbie, we are near the red light district, across the street from a grocery store, and 10 minutes walk from the train station. The establishment is 5 flights up a circular staircase. (if you are booking rooms, it’s advisable to inquire if a lift is available). The apartment is large by Danish terms: 6 guests rooms, common room, and kitchen. The floors are wood, the walls white, the furnishings  are natural wooden. The high ceilings have decorative and crown mouldings.

Our room is bright, spacious, and overlooks a quiet street. The owner is in Paris at the moment, so it is more like a high-class hostel, which is fine with us.

20140519_145311 bakery near Pea BlossomAround the corner from the B&B is a bakery where we bought Danish sandwiches and a latte for lunch.As we ate, I people watched. There are people everywhere. Mothers push babies–often twins–in large black hooded prams. Children sit in seats on the back or front of bicycles. Some bikes have an extended front wheel to accommodate a cart where children sit; sometimes the cart is attached to the back of the bike. Since autos are imported in Denmark, they are very costly; the Danes pay about three times the car’s price in taxes.

Women’s attire varies. Professionals dress in suits and high heels. Others are more casual. Muslim women are covered up, as everywhere, but wear brightly colored shoes such as fluorescent-blue sneakers. Tall hairy or short-cropped men tower over short and stocky ones. Old people walk hand-in-hand and teens bop along. There are all shades of skin tones–a panoply of humanity.

We walked around the neighborhood, and then bought groceries for supper, saving exploring until Tuesday.



Sunday, May 18, 2014 Helsingborg, Sweden

20140518_101012 Jane tulips 300Around 10 A.M, we took the tender from the ship to the port and got my passport stamped. Dennis and I found a map of the walking trails around the city. We passed a park with waist-high tulips. I had never seen such large and colorful blossoms. The Swedes must like flowers: homes had them in the windows

We meandered through the 20140518_101208 home with flowers in window 300forest on the Longensberg Promenade to Paisjokvarn to the north of the City, about 2 miles and returned on a coastal path. We doubled the number of stairs that we climbed in Dover (over 900 steps). Once back, we toured the city.

We walked on the oldest pedestrian street (Kullagatan) in the Nordic countries. In the marina, was an open house for a Swedish vessel that may have been a submersible, we could not read the panels. Lots of military and arms.

20140518_115713 city hall with town clock 300As we approached the statue of Magnus Stenbock (see below), the town hall clock started to play the noon songs, one of which was “America the Beautiful.” The three songs played repeatedly for ten minutes. The statue depicts the field Marshal who lead the Swedes in the final victory over the Danes in 1710.

The money unit is the Swedish Krona, so everything looks expensive. Two beers cost 125 SEK. I nearly choked when I found it that was $20. That was about 10 times more expensive than  getting a domestic beer in the supermarket. This is a port city so I expect prices of dining, transportation, and entertainment to be higher than other Swedish cities, but I think this was gouging. Otherwise, how can the Swedes afford to live in Helsingborg?  Looking into store windows I  was surprised that clothing on display was not priced.

We contacted T-Mobile to get our phones to work. Evidently, when we called before 20140518_115837 Magnus Stenbock statue 300the trip to confirm that our phones would work in Europe, the person we spoke to disconnected that service. Not surprised, she was the one who said Europe was not one of the countries that had a contract with T-Mobile, but did confirm that each country we listed was part of the deal. What are we teaching–or not teachingour kids?

It started to pour so we never finished our walk. Just as well, Dennis has sore legs from Dover’s walk. For lunch, we tried Swedish coffee (rich and strong) and sandwiches. Mine was an open-faced Swedish meatball with beets. It was tasty, but I think Dennis’s might have been better. He raved about the chicken salad sandwich.

It felt good to return to the ship and get out of our wet clothes. Though we had rain jackets, our pants and shoes were wet.

Friday, May 16, 2014 Dover, UK

20140516_163602 Dennis with steps 300We took the complementary ship van past the port construction. From there we strolled through the city of Dover along the Marine Parade to the entrance of the White Cliffs. That took about ¾ hr. so I guess it was around three miles. From the Visitor center to the lighthouse is two miles. This took more effort as we traipsed over undulating terrain and fields dotted with rabbit holes. Round trip we climbed or descended 450 steps, but there was also a lot of scrambling.

20140516_165401 Jane on cliff 300Located where the visitor center now stands, once was a convict prison, which later became a place to detain soldiers. Most of the old buildings and military barracks are gone, but the National Trust has scattered panels at historical points to help us understand the history of the cliffs.

During WWII, the Brits built on the cliffs two super guns capable of firing across the English Channel to France. Since today was hazy we could not see that coastline.

20140516_170406 singing troubador on LangdonHoe 300From up close, the cliffs appear much whiter and taller than they did in the early morning light and from the ship. The morning chill dissipated by 10 A.M. Before long, I was in short sleeves and steaming up my sunglasses. Light cirrus clouds crisscrossed each other as much as the airplane contrails did. Seagulls and local birds with crested crowns dove in and out of the cliffs. We saw blue butterflies and learned that they are a rare sighting on the cliffs. Rabbits scampered around seemingly unafraid of us. We had to make sure not to twist an ankle in all the holes they dug.

The cliffs have insect and flower breeds particular to the area. We found winged swarms that were mating and reminded me of the Florida love bugs. After swallowing a few, I had to grit my teeth when panting uphill to prevent swallowing them.

We walked along the upper path to the lighthouse. In a copse we saw a herd of six to eight ponies or maybe short, sturdy, brown-coated horses. Passing by Langdon Hole, a crater-like earth depression, I was annoyed by loud music and wondered who was disturbing the idyllic setting. There on a hill like a troubadour of old, a young man played his guitar and sang his heart out, just for the pleasure of it. The song was Spanish with a lively rhythm. His voice amplified by the locale carried on the wind to where we were about a quarter mile away. His carefree singing made me smile. Later, we spotted this singer sunning himself, shirtless, guitar aside.

The Landgon Stairs are steps that lead down to a ship wreck. Langdon Bay is one of 61 wreck sites listed under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973. At this site, discovered in 1974, divers found Middle Bronze Age (1300 to 1150 B.C.) tools, ornaments, and weapons. This wreck is England’s oldest submerged archaeological site.

20140516_164035 dover castle from cliffs cropped 300From the cliffs we could see Dover Castle, England’s oldest fortress protecting the shores since Roman times. There are tunnels where the evacuation of Dunkirk in May 1940 was planned. King Henry II’s tower preserves its medieval charm with furnishings and costumed interpreters representing life from his royal court. Fellow passengers later told us that the visit was worth the entrance fee, but that there was a lot of walking. Instead of going there, we opted to have lunch in a cafe that offered free WiFi. Because of poor WiFi, it took us over an hour to Skype home and post yesterday’s update.

The South Foreland Lighthouse, built in 1843 was under reconstruction, so we did not tour it. This beacon that guided ships around Goodwin Sands was the world’s first electric light faros.

20140516_180654 Port from cliffsWe took the lower route to return. This provided us with better views of the cliffs and the port. Chalk from the cliffs was used to create the docks. From the cliffs we watched as boats queued to enter the harbor. Freighters, ferries, and cruise ships took their turn. The NCL Star, moored far from the busy docks, was the largest vessel in the port that day.

20140516_184951 rabbit hole looking upAt one point, we needed to decide between two trails, the one on the right heading back up to the cliffs, the one on the left remaining lower. Dennis chose to go left. As we walked on the narrowing path, I suggested we were not where we should have been. Dennis kept insisting we were heading in the right directions and that up ahead in the shadows we would rejoin the path. I couldn’t see what he meant, but continued forward. The trees become a thicket and I felt like Alice going down the rabbit’s hole. At one point, I had to crab-walk and take care not to hook my day pack. When we cleared the thicket we faced a 30-foot vertical climb. I tried to climb it to save the mile walk back to the junction where we should have gone right. There were no hand- or footholds. As we walked back, Dennis whimpered, “You could have done it if you really wanted to.” Yeah, he probably was correct, but only as a life-saving manoeuvre. You would think that after past experiences, I would be more questioning of Dennis’s directional confidence.

Back on ship, we sat in the hot tub, and then enjoyed the drink of the day, a Tequila Sunrise as we watched the sun set on a perfect day.