For our last walk in 2020, we chose Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota, FL. This is a 3.5-mile circular path around a man-made 400-acre lake which was initially excavated during the construction of the highway and later enhanced for sprint rowing and regatta games. We usually prefer hiking in natural settings but the overcast and windy weather was perfect for today’s open walk.
Nathan Benderson Park Art
The signage is poor and there are no maps. Not knowing which was the better way around the loop, we headed for the observation tower and from there started walking south. The path is wide enough for bidirectional traffic and social distancing.
Benderson Park Looking South
There is a pebbled path that runs parallel to the paved one. On the west side, it is often under trees and would provide sun coverage. Since I was wearing sandals, I decided to stay on the tarmac. On this side there are bathrooms, but not on the other.
Nathan Benderson Park Pebble Path.
I am glad we went on a weekday because there were only a few bicyclists and joggers on the path. There were many more walkers. I was disappointed to only see a few fishermen and no one on the water.
On our drive north, I read the Green Mountain Club Long Trail Guide, Hiking Vermont’s High Ridge. It divided the trail into twelve divisions. Each corresponding chapter included a profile map, descriptions of the route, and its side trails. Though the book offers a lot of information, we will not take it with us. It is too heavy. Instead we will take a corresponding map, and note points of interest on it.
What I learned from the book
There are no poisonous snakes in Vermont (VT), but there are porcupines, mice, raccoons, squirrels, peregrine falcons, black bears, and deer. We need to take precautions against the deer tick.
Water is abundant. It just needs filtering.
The Long Trail is marked with a white blaze, as is the Appalachian Trail (AT), which it follows for the first 100 miles.
After the Long Trail separates from the AT, there are more four-sided lodges than shelters. Depending of the weather, we intend to use our tent, for the most part.
We may encounter winter conditions at higher elevations during the spring (Oh, my!)
Spring and Fall are the mud and bug seasons (black flies and mosquitoes). To prevent erosion of “extremely muddy trails,” we may be rerouted.
Be prepared for quickly changing weather and prevent hypothermia, which can cloud judgement, Which Dennis might say is already impaired.
The Long Trail goes through three arctic-alpine areas. These have fragile eco-systems with indigenous plants.
As the van struggled up the Pennsylvanian hills, I envisioned climbing similar hills. If a 130 horse-powered engine found it difficult, how much so will I?
In Wilkes-Barre, we stopped for coffee. Sitting outdoors at the cafe, the panorama spans approximately five miles. I think that it would take me most of a day to hike up and down those hills. My conscientiousness is changing to hiker mode. With this perspective shift, time and distance become more relative to how long it takes me to walk x number of miles, with x amount of elevation. ( A rough calculation is to allow 30 minutes for every mile, plus 30 minutes for every 1,000 feet of ascent).
Jane in Plaistow Town Forest
A few days later, Dennis, Aine (daughter), and I walk three miles in the Plaistow Town Forest. We spray ourselves against the mosquitoes, but I fail to put the repellent under my skirt and the pest quickly sting my thighs. (I never had to worry about mosquitoes while hiking in a skirt in Europe.) We diverted around a few muddy areas, but the forest is dry. After being cooped in the car for three days, it feels good to get moving. I plan to hike here with a full pack next week.
Sunday the temperatures plummeted from the mid 80s to the 40s. It pours like Florida rain and I am thankful for not yet having started the hike. In two weeks, I hope the weather is more stable and a lot warmer. In spite of the rain, I am looking forward to the hike.
Hiking with long or short hair
For the last month or so, I have been trying to decide if I should cut my mid-back-long hair. If I keep it long, I can put in a bun, out of my face. If I leave it loose, it can help against the bugs. If I cut it short, it would fly in the wind and be easier to wash and dry. I am still flip-flopping, but I really love my daughter’s new short do.
What have been your experiences with hiking with long hair? Please comment.
After Memorial Day, Dennis and I are heading up to New Hampshire to spend time with our daughter and her family. While she and hubby are on a week-long cruise, we will care for their 19-month son and their pets. Living 1400 miles away, I welcome this opportunity to spoil my only grandchild.
Walking the hills around Newton NH will be training for the mountains of Vermont. Starting in mid June, I will attempt my first long-distance wilderness hike: 270 miles on the Vermont Long Trail. Though I have walked further, my previous hikes were far from ruffing it. I’ve become spoiled with European hostels, B&Bs, hot showers, warm meals, and the conviviality of traveling from community to community.
This will be different. My accommodation will be a tent. My bed will be a sleeping bag atop an eggshell foam mat. We will prepare our meals from supplies we carry in. We plan to go into a town about once a week for food, shower, pampering, and groceries.
We estimate that the trip will take approximately a month. We intend to start off slowly, and then increase the distance as our bodies adjusts.
We purchased two guides to help up navigate the trail, and are using the gear from previous hikes. The only new items include new boots for Dennis (I’m still looking), hiking poles for me, and a water filter to prevent catching a water-borne disease. We will also have to treat our clothes against deer ticks, which carry Lyme Disease.
For the most part we are prepared. Today I am packing my backpack. For the next month, I will wear it on my morning walks to help my body will get use to the straps. I will also try to learn how to use the walking sticks. In the past, I found them unhelpful, but using them properly can reduce chances for knee injury or shin splints, so its to my advantage to develop a rhythmic stride with the poles.
I’m starting to get excited for our next adventure. I hope you will follow along on this blog.
Have you walked the Vermont Long Trail? If so, are there places I should make a point to visit/avoid? Any words of advice? Please Comment.