Day 7, Friday, September 16, 2016

Last port of call on this voyage, Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. We arrived midday. Fortunately, we docked with our room on the shady side so mom was able to enjoy the balcony while I went on shore. I had to stand in the hot afternoon sun for about a half hour while the excursion leader collected tickets and brought the group to the dock where we boarded the catamaran. I was glad I had slathered on sunscreen before leaving.
Seahorse Sail and SnorkelI went on a Seahorse Sail and Snorkel excursion, sitting on the net at the end of the boat. The sail was down on our 35-minute ride to the coral reef, but it was up on the return. Dennis and I had been on this reef before, but it was still beautiful. In addition to the Caribbean fish, I saw a stingray and what I think was a grouper or a garfish. We had one hour to explore the reef and I did not board the catamaran a second early—I was enjoying myself so much. The crew offered us a rum punch on the return trip, but it was like Kool-Aid and I did not like it. The taste didn’t stop the majority of the passengers from consuming multiple glassfuls. Why is it that people over indulge when things are free, even when not good? I guess I am either too old to let my hair down or more discriminating.
After mom cashed in her casino winnings, we packed our bags and sat on the balcony as the Harvest Supermoon rose over the water. Even in Miami the next morning, the large moon was visible.

Disembarkation in the morning was well-organized and we were soon on our bus heading home. Even though the experienced driver knew the way, we didn’t arrive in Sarasota until 3:40 PM.