It was very cold last night and I was glad we used the tent instead of the shelter. The tent adds about ten degrees; it was 57º F inside it this morning. Even Dennis was cold last night!
We are slowing down at bit—not because of my ankle, but because the Post Office in Wallingford, VT, will be closed on Sunday and there is no lodging in town. We want to get the food box mailed there, and back on the trail.

We stopped at Lost Pond Shelter for lunch. Dennis started a fire and toasted bagels. What a treat! “Chicago” came along, and where shared our lunch with her.
We met “What’s the Rush” carrying a huge backpack. His philosophy is to walk until you need to rest, and then rest until you can walk. Sounds about right for these two sexagenarians.
It was almost a vertical climb up to Baker Peak—a terrifying 0.1 mile climb on slate. I shortened my hiking poles and used them to grab and pull my way up. Afraid of heights, I would not look down until I reached the top. I must admit that the view was worth the effort, but I did not spend a lot of time looking around. I think I should have been “Baker Acted” just for attempting the climb.
We arrived at Big Branch Shelter early enough to set up the tent before it rained. We piled leaves to raise the tent off the ground and let the rain water flow through without soaking into the tent. It also cushioned the sleeping pads and provided warmth. I think we will continue to use this technique in the future.
There was a Boy Scout troop at the shelter. Several of the leaders and scouts were interested in Dennis’ amateur radio setup. Of course, he was more than happy to answer questions.
Lisa (mother) and Moira (daughter) stayed in the shelter. They are attempting to hike the LT. Lisa has severe blisters, so she will take a few days off, but Moira will continue on. Hope to meet up with them soon.
With all the rain, walking is difficult. The mud “stiction” pulls on the boots, the rain-soaked clothes is heavy, and negotiating the rocks and tree roots is difficult. Did someone say hiking was fun?

It poured all night and the tent leaked. Everything is damp or wet. The stream which bubbled yesterday is roaring this morning. The rain makes it difficult to get back to hiking; but walking helps keep me warm, so off we go.