California Dreaming—exploring LA, the City of Flowers and Sunshine

LA’s beautiful parks

My wanderlust has been in full bloom for months and I am finally going to scratch that itch with a trip to LA. Los Angeles has several nicknames: The Big Orange, The City of Angels, La La Land, and the City of Flowers and Sunshine. I’m not interested in the glitz of stardom, so I won’t be visiting the “glorious Hollywood” scenes. For me, the art, history, and beauty of the environs have greater appeal. And since my son has been living there for about ten years, I am hoping he will lead us to the less touristy and more flavorful sites.

For the next ten days, the weather in LA will range from lows in the 40s to highs in the lower 70’s. Coming from Sarasota, that temperature range is cool for me and I will have to pack “warm” clothing and, most likely, will not take a bathing suit. I may bring bike clothes because Dennis and I would like to rent a tandem. With my lack of balance, having Dennis in control may prevent a fall, but that is no guarantee since we have never ridden a bicycle built for two.

We leave before dawn on Wednesday, Mar 1 and arrive in LAX eight hours later. With the three hour time difference, I’m sure Dennis will need a nap before we meet our son for dinner. It’s been a long while since we’ve seen him and I’m sure our week’s visit will go by too quickly.

As the week progresses, I will tell you more about the places we visit and the people we meet. I hope you will follow along or our little adventure to the west coast.