June 24: Padrón

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday could not have been more perfect–excellent weather, late start (11 A.M.) soft soil for the most part, short distance. To top it off, as we entered Padrón, someone had written J.B. the best on the sidewalk. Omen?

We had a late afternoon lunch with Tony and Lauren, a mother-daughter team from California. Fun people to talk with. After than we entered Padrón.  As we crossed the river, we could see about a thousand “brownies” or lake trout.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter settling in we went to O’Pementero  (statue in front of restaurant) a local eatery specializing in Padrón peppers. We had a serving of peppers with beer, and then visited another restaurant for another beer and the local cheese. As Sonia pointed out, we will need to return to a vegetable-based diet soon.

In spite of all the eating, Dennis has lost 8+ lbs. We will go to a pharmacy before we leave Spain to get the official weigh-in.