June 21: Porriño, Spain

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALeaving Tui we saw this stone sculpture. Most of the earlier part of the day was along dirt paths and country roads. The weather was cool and just right for walking. Since we were in the Louro valley, the air smelled clean like an early spring day. We crossed several old Roman bridges (if you look carefully at the picture, you can see how the cart wheels wore away the stones.) Though there were some muddy patches along the river, I managed to keep my feet dry, at least until we had to walk single file in tall grass. This section was not well waymarked, and I was doubting the advice received by a fisherman. I am still not sure if this was a local shortcut or the actual Way, but we eventually found the yellow arrows guiding us to Santiago.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI thought a lot today about what to do when we return to Santiago. We can take time off to visit Muxia and the Little Fox House; go to León and finish the bicycling Camino–either by peddling or on foot; or go to Santander, Spain to take the ferry to England or France. More importantly, I must to decide if I have the courage to return to biking or not. Busy mind.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABoth in Portugal and Spain, people adorn their houses with roses, geraniums, and hydrangeas. In addition to flowers, many homes have gardens with various crops, especially kale, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, onions, and beans. Many gardens have grape vines, orange or lemon trees, with occasional nut trees. Many also have chickens, even in the suburbs.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter walking about 8 km through industrial ways, my feet and legs were sore. Just before entering the old quarters of Porriño, we passed the 100 km marker. After stopping for tea, Dennis said I walked as if I had just gotten off a horse. Since we were both tired, we called it quits, cutting this section (31 km)  in half. We both appreciated the hot shower and nap.