May 26: Sahagún

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe had three flats today, two before breakfast and leaving the albergue. It wasn’t too cold riding, and I quickly shed one layer and ear warmers. Michele rode the first stage to Carrión de los Condes and waited a half hour for us to catch up to him. We had the last flat (down to only one spare tube), had to wait for sheep to pass us twice, and passed a trio of horse riders.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs we rode today, I marveled at how green the Meseta is in the spring compared to the brown autumn hues, smelled freshly mowed hay, saw snow in the mountains which made me think of Kilimanjaro,  and heard the co0coo bird. My left wrist is doing OK, but shifting is a bit painful and, after riding 70 km (42 mi) is was swollen. After icing, the hand looked more like my other. We are about 70 km from León, Spain. Depending on weather, (rain predicted) we might be there tomorrow.

We are staying in at  Albergue Viatoris in Sahagún, a hostel for bicigrinos (bicycling pilgrims). There must be at least 50 bikers here. Dinner should be entertaining. Looking forward to it.